LATVIA LATVIJAS KONSEKRĒTĀS DZĪVES INSTITŪTU PRIEKŠNIEKU/ČU APVIENOTĀ KONFERENCE (LKDIPAK) Conference of Major Superiors of the Religious Congregations of Latvia Fr. Jānis MEĻŅIKOVS sjPresident Sr. Liliane BERTRAND oaVice-President Sr. Anna Maria pijSecretary General...
UKRAINE UGCC – РАДА ВИЩИХ НАСТОЯТЕЛЬОК Жіночих інститутів богопосвяченого життя Української Греко-Католицької Церкви в Україні Council of Major Superiors of the Female Institutes of Consecrated Life of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church in the Ukraine Sr....
SWITZERLAND USMSR – Union des Supérieures Majeures de Suisse Romande Union of Women Major Superiors of French-speaking Switzerland Sr. Marie-Brigitte SEEHOLZER ssuPresident Sr. My-Lan M. NGUYEN spcSecretary VONOS – Vereinigung der Ordensoberinnen...
SLOVENIA KORUS – Konference redovnih ustanov Slovenije Conference of Slovenian Men and Women Religious Fr. Miran ŽVANUT sjPresident Sr. Andreja RIHAR msVice-President Sr. Hermina NEMŠAK ficSecretary General...
SLOVAKIA KVRPS – Konferencia vyšších řehol’ných představených na Slovensku Conference of Major Superiors of Slovakia Fr. Juraj ĎURNEK schpPresident Sr. Renáta JAMBOROVÁ sssVice-President Sr. Jana KURKINOVÁ fmaSecretary General...
RUSSIA Конференция старших Настоятелей и Настоятельниц Институтов посвященной жизни и Обществ апостольской жизни Conference of Men and Women Major Superiors of Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life Sr. Aksana BRYTSIK usjkPresident Fr. Mariano...
UNITED KINGDOM COR – Conference of Religious of England & Wales Ms. Susan THOMASSecretary General CRS – Conference of Religious in Scotland Sr. Kathleen CURRAN ujPresident Fr. Peter DOWLING sssVice-President Mrs. Joan O’HAGANSecretary General...
ROMANIA Conferința Română a Superioarelor Majore Romanian Conference of Women Major Superiors Sr. Ildiko HOMA sssPresident CONFERINŢA SUPERIORILOR MAJORI AI INSTITUTELOR CĂLUGĂREŞTI ŞI AI SOCIETĂŢILOR DE VIAŢĂ APOSTOLICĂ DIN ROMĂNIA Conference of Men Major Superiors...
CZECH REPUBLIC KVPŽŘ – Konference vyšších představených ženských řeholí v České Republice Conference of Women Major Superiors in the Czech Republic Sr. Krista CHLÁDKOVÁ opPresident Sr. Fidelis SEDLÁKOVÁ scbSecretary General KVPMŘ – Konference...
PORTUGAL CONFERÊNCIA DOS INSTITUTOS RELIGIOSOS DE PORTUGAL Conference of Religious Institutes of Portugal Fr. Adelino ASCENSO smbnPresident Sr. Ângela de Fátima COELHO asmVice-President Fr. Constantino Tiago ESPÍRITO SANTO scjSecretary General...
POLAND KWPZZZ – Konferencja Wyższych Przełożonych Żeńskich Zgromadzeń zakonnych Conference of Major Superiors of Women Congregations Sr. Ewa KACZMAREK mchrPresident Sr. Krescencja HUK bdnpSecretary General KWPZM – Konferencji Wyższych...
NETHERLANDS Konferentie Nederlandse Religieuzen Conference of Men and Women Religious of the Netherlands Fr. Mark-Robin HOOGLAND cpPresident Sr. Monica RAASSEN crssVice-President Mr. Simon EVERSSecretary General...
MALTA KONFERENZA TAS-SUPERJURI MAĠĠURI RELIĠJUŻI TA’ MALTA Conference of Religious Major Superiors of Malta Br. Colin SAMMUT ofm convPresident Sr. Natalie ABELA socVice-President Sr. Natalie ABELA socSecretary General...
LUXEMBOURG Conférence Nationale des Religieux et Religieuses du Luxembourg National Conference of Men and Women Religious of Luxembourg Sr. Dorothe-Maria LAUSE fmPresident ……….Vice-President Sr. Danièle FALTZ dcnSecretary...
LITHUANIA LMVAVK – LIETUVOS MOTERŲ VIENUOLIJŲ AUKŠTESNIŲJŲ VYRESNIŲJŲ KONFERENCIJA Conference of Major Superiors of Women Religious Congregations of Lithuania Sr. Paulina Aleksandra VANAGAITĖ osbPresident Sr. Gintaute GIEDRIMAITĖ ccVice-President Sr. Grazina...
ITALY Unione Superiore Maggiori d’Italia Union of Women Major Superiors of Italy Sr. Micaela MONETTI pddmPresident Sr. Teresa MARZIALE smbSecretary General Conferenza Italiana Superiori Maggiori Italian Conference of Men Major Superiors Fr. Luigi...
IRELAND AMRI – Association of Leaders of Missionaries & Religious of Ireland Fr. Joe Mc GEE mscPresident Sr. Barbara MURPHY ibvmVice-President Mr Gerard GALLAGHERSecretary General ...
HUNGARY MRK – MAGYARORSZÁGI RENDFŐNÖKNŐK KONFERENCIÁJA Hungarian Women Religious Conference Sr. Emma NÉMETH sssPresident Sr. Judit KNÁB cjSecretary FSZK – FÉRFI SZERZETESELÖLJÁRÓK KONFERENCIÁJA Conference of Superiors of Men Religious Orders Fr. Viktor...
GREECE EKME – ENΩΣH KAΘOΛΙKΩN MONAXΩN EΛΛAΔOΣ Union of Catholic Religious of Greece Fra Luca ROMANI ofm capPresident Fr. Georgios VIDALIS fmsSecretary...
FRANCE Conférence des religieux et religieuses de France Conference of Men and Women Religious of France Sr. Véronique MARGRON opPresident Sr. Anne CHAPELL sscj1st Vice-President Br. Michel LALOUX ofm2nd Vice-President Sr. Catherine SESBOUÉ raSecretary General Fr....