+32 (2) 265.01.56 ucesm@ucesm.net
Meeting in Ukraine

Meeting in Ukraine

On 17 and 18 April, the second meeting of the Boards of the Conferences of Major Superiors Men and Women of the Roman-Catholic Church in Ukraine took place in the House of the Pallottine Fathers in Odessa (Ukraine). During the meeting, the Councillors reflected on the...
A new President at UCESM

A new President at UCESM

It is the Hungarian Piarist Zsolt Labanz who has been elected new President of UCESM on the last day of the 18th General Assembly which took place on 5-10 March 2018 in the beautiful Monastery of the Discalced Carmelites in Snagov (Romania). Fr. Zsolt thus succeeds...
CORU of Ukraine has a new Board

CORU of Ukraine has a new Board

On 15 November, the Ukrainian Conference of Women Major Superiors of the Religious Institutes and Societies of Apostolic Life of the Latin Church in Ukraine (CORU) elected a new Board. The new President is Sr. Olena BYS csa, the Vice-President Sr. Nataliya CHERKIS...
Albania: KShËL has chosen a new Board

Albania: KShËL has chosen a new Board

On 30 October, the members of the Albanian Conference of Major Superiors KShËL came together and elected new leaders. Fr. Artan SELI sds, Albanian, has been chosen President, thus taking the place of the former President of KShËL, and also President of UCESM, Bishop...
The Croatian Conference changes its name and Board

The Croatian Conference changes its name and Board

The second last General Assembly of the HKVRPP (Conference of Major Superiors men and women of Croatia) on 20th and 21st October 2016 in Zagreb decided on a modification of the Conference’s name into an easier denomination: HRK, Croatian Religious Conference....
Fr. Prokop Siostrzonek osb in charge of the Czech Conference

Fr. Prokop Siostrzonek osb in charge of the Czech Conference

Fr. Prokop Siostrzonek osb, Prior Administrator of the Benedictine Monastery of Brevnov, has been elected new President of the KVPMR (Conference of Major Superiors of Men Religious of the Czech Republic) in June 2017. The new Vice-President is Fr. Marian Kosík...
A new face at CORSUM in Russia

A new face at CORSUM in Russia

On Thursday 21st September, the members of CORSUM, gathered for their AGM from 18th till 22nd September, elected a new Council: Father Nikolay Dubinin ofm conv was reelected President for another term of four years; Sr. Axana Brytsik uskj (Ursuline of the Agonizing...
Malta: a new Council at KSMR

Malta: a new Council at KSMR

On 9 September 2017, the members of KSMR in Malta have elected a new Council: the new President is the Prior Provincial of the Maltese Augustine Province, Fr. Ray Francalanza osa, the new Vice-President is Sr. Rachel Frendo osa. Sr. Mary Anne Sultana dsh is still...
Our President has become a Bishop!

Our President has become a Bishop!

On September 7, 2017, in Lushnjë (Albania), the Archbishop of Tiranë-Durrës George Anthony Frendo op has conferred the episcopal consecration to the President of UCESM since March 2012, Father Giovanni Peragine crsp. Bishop Giovanni Peragine is Apostolic Administrator...
The Executive Committee met in Moscow

The Executive Committee met in Moscow

At the invitation of Fr. Nikolay Dubinin ofm conv, President of the Russian Religious Conference CORSUM and councillor at the Executive Committee, the EC-members as well as Sr. Marjolein Bruinen op, Secretary General, and her assistant met in Moscow for the second...
Change within COREB

Change within COREB

On Saturday 17 June 2017, the Board of COREB (Conference of women and men religious in Belgium) elected Sr. Marie-Sophie d’Oultremont, Provincial of the Religious of the Assumption, President of COREB for a term of two years. Fr. Benoît Carniaux o.praem., Abbot of Our...
The President of UCESM appointed Bishop in Albania

The President of UCESM appointed Bishop in Albania

On June 15, 2017, Pope Francis appointed Father Giovanni Peragine crsp, missionary and priest at the Saint Nicolas Church of Milot in the Archdiocese of Tirana-Durres (Albania), as Apostolic Administrator of Southern Albania, elevating him at the same time to the...
New Board at the KNR in the Netherlands

New Board at the KNR in the Netherlands

At the General Assembly of the 8th June, the KNR has elected a new Board. After eight years at the leadership of KNR, Brother Cees van Dam csa said farewell and gave the gavel over to Abbot Bernardus Peeters of the Trappist Abbey of Koningshoeven. Besides a new...
Austria: elections with the two Conferences

Austria: elections with the two Conferences

Austria: elections with the two Conferences The Major Superiors of the Religious Orders of Women of Austria (VFÖ) unanimously re-elected Sr.Dr. Beatrix Mayrhofer, Provincial of the School Sisters of Notre-Dame, as their President. Sr. Franziska Bruckner has been...
Netherlands: new leadership in Thorn

Netherlands: new leadership in Thorn

Netherlands: new leadership in Thorn On February 12, the general chapter of the Congregation of the Dominican Sisters of Bethany, gathered in Thorn (Netherlands), elected a new general team for the term of office 2017-2023. The new members are: Sr. Katharina Magdalena...

The Piarists call the young religious throughout the world to participate in an initiative that wants to be universal: its purpose is to live a CONTINUOUS PRAYER of youth in all the world, where the groups of youth of any institution, in the moment when they wish to...

Fr. George FRENDO op as new Archbishop of Tirana

On November 17, 2016, Mgr. George FRENDO op, member of the UCESM-Executive Committee as a councillor between 2001 and 2006 and since then Auxiliary Bishop of Tirana-Durrës, has been appointed Metropolitan Archbishop of Tirana-Durrës (Albania). We very warmly...

GA 2016 of the RENATE-network in Rome

The Secretary General of UCESM, Sr. Marjolein Bruinen, attended the 2nd General Assembly of the RENATE-network (religious in Europe against human trafficking) in Rome on November 6-12, 2016. General Assembly of RENATE in Rome