+32 (2) 265.01.56 ucesm@ucesm.net
An “interim” Vice-President at KVRPS

An “interim” Vice-President at KVRPS

Sr. Petra Sičáková ssnpm, Vice-President of the Conference of Religious Superiors of Slovakia (KVRPS), ended her mandate as Major Superior of her congregation on 24 September. According to the statutes of the Conference, she can no longer exercise the role of...
Sr. Adrien Pekó ssnd (1949-2020)

Sr. Adrien Pekó ssnd (1949-2020)

Sr. Adrien Pekó has been a committed and concerned member of the Executive Committee of UCEM in the first years of the new millennium. In 2001, at the General Assembly in Salzburg, she was elected Councillor. Three years later, in Ljubljana, she was appointed...
New presidency of the Croation Conference of Religious

New presidency of the Croation Conference of Religious

At the 52nd Electoral Assembly of the Croatian Religious Conference (HRK), held on 15 October 2020, the major superiors elected the presidency of the Conference for the next three years. Fr. Slavko Slišković, Provincial Superior of the Croatian Province of the...
Sr. Madeleine Boland, new Vice-President of COREB

Sr. Madeleine Boland, new Vice-President of COREB

On 25 August 2020, during its statutory General Assembly held by videoconference, the Board of COREB (B) elected Sr. Madeleine BOLAND osb, Abbess of the Abbey of Our Lady of Peace (Benedictines) in Liège, as its new Vice-President to replace Sr. Marie-Renilde...
CIRP from Portugal decide on a new leadership

CIRP from Portugal decide on a new leadership

On 29 June, in Fatima, the members of CIRP elected their new leaders: Sr. Maria da Graça Alves Guedes rad, who had been Vice-President since June 2017, is now the President of CIRP; Fr. Pedro Alexandre Simões Gouveia Fernandes cssp has been chosen as Vice-President....
Surprise at the EC

Surprise at the EC

It seems “risky” to be a major superior on the Executive Committee of UCESM: it is the second time within five years that one of its members has been ordained bishop. First, our president, Father Giovanni Peragine, was taken away to become a bishop in...
A new Secretary general at the Dutch KNR

A new Secretary general at the Dutch KNR

As from 1 June 2020, Mr Simon Evers will take over from Mr. Patrick Chatelion-Counet as head of the General Secretariat of the Dutch Religious’ Conference. Good luck to him!
The Austrian Conference has a new General Secretary

The Austrian Conference has a new General Secretary

Since 4 May 2020, Sr. Christine Rod mc of the Order of the Missionary Sisters of Christ has held the position of General Secretary of the Conference of Major Superiors of Austria ÖOK. The General Secretary is the link between the six-member Board of Directors of the...
The two Austrian Conferences have merged

The two Austrian Conferences have merged

After a long process that began in 2018, the Association of Women Religious Orders of Austria (VFÖ) and the Conference of Superiors of Men Religious Orders of Austria (SKÖ) solemnly united at their first common General Assembly in November 2019. This unification was...
A new secretary at HRK

A new secretary at HRK

On 19 September, the Board of the Croatian Religious’ Conference nominated Sr. Krista Mijatović scsc as the new Secretary of HRK, thus replacing Sr. Irena Olujević.
New leadership in Bosnia and Herzegovina

New leadership in Bosnia and Herzegovina

At the 18th extraordinary Electoral Assembly of the Conference of Major Superiors of Bosnia and Herzegovina, which was held on 24 August 2019 in Banja Luka (Petrićevac), new leaders of the Conference were elected: Fr. Jozo Marinčić, OFM Provincial Minister of the...
The Belgian COREB has a new presidency

The Belgian COREB has a new presidency

At their last General Assembly on 18 June, the COREB of Belgium chose new leaders: Br. Robert THUNUS fm is the new President; Sr. Marie-Renilde d’HAEMER sv has been elected Vice-President. They have taken over from Sr. Marie-Sophie d’OULTREMONT ra and...
AMRI has a new President

AMRI has a new President

The Association of Leaders of Missionaries & Religious of Ireland AMRI has elected a new President at their last AGM on 29 May: Sr. Kathleen McGARVEY ola. She replaces Fr. Marc WHELAN cssp.
Sr. Marija ŠIMENC is the new Vice-President of KORUS

Sr. Marija ŠIMENC is the new Vice-President of KORUS

Sr. Marija ŠIMENC fma has been elected new Vice-President of the Slovenian Conference of Religious on 6 May 2019 at the last General Assembly of KORUS. In this function, Sr. Marija replaces Sr. Zorica BLAGOTINŠEK osu.