+32 (2) 265.01.56 ucesm@ucesm.net

News from the member countries

LKDIPAK from Latvia has a new Council

LKDIPAK from Latvia has a new Council

During its last meeting on 1st February 2025, the Latvian Conference of Consecrated Life (LKDIPAK) has elected a new Council as follows:President: Fr. Andris Ševels mic; Vice-President: Sr. Ginta Mākulāne; Secretary: Sr. Diana Cērmane op.The new Council has been...

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New leadership at KVRPS in Slovakia

New leadership at KVRPS in Slovakia

On 12-13 November 2024, the 10th Assembly of the Conference of Major Religious Superiors in Slovakia took place. Of the 73 members of the Conference, 61 superiors or their delegated representatives attended the meeting. On Wednesday 13 November, the Assembly elected a...

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Annual meeting of EKME

Annual meeting of EKME

On 27 December 2024, the religious of Greece grouped together within EKME (Union of Catholic Religious of Greece) gathered in Athens at the Marist Brothers' house for their annual meeting. 26 religious were present: 20 men - Marists, one Brother of the Christian...

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Tenth common formation meeting CSRM and CRSM

Tenth common formation meeting CSRM and CRSM

At the Manresa centre of the Jesuits in Romania, between 22-24 October 2024, the tenth common formation meeting of the two Conferences of Major Superiors of Romania was held with the topic: ‘The peripheries, God's favourite space - a place of regeneration of...

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The KShËL in Albania has had elections

The KShËL in Albania has had elections

On 9 November 2024, the national meeting of the representatives of the major superiors of the KShËL in Albania took place. After two terms covered by Fr Artan Seli, the new president of the Albanian Conference is Sr Teuta Buka, a Salesian. The new vice-president is Fr...

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AMRI elected a new Executive Council

AMRI elected a new Executive Council

On 31 October, AMRI announced its new Executive Council.  Fr. Joe McGee msc has been elected President and Sr. Barbara Murphy ibvm will serve as Vice-President. Both paid tribute to the outgoing Executive Council under the leadership of Fr. Timothy Lehane svd and Sr....

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Report on the meeting days of the Belgian URV

Report on the meeting days of the Belgian URV

The yearly meeting days for major superiors of the URV and their councilors took place in Blankenberge (B) on 24-26 September 2024. The theme was ‘I am the way and the truth and the life (Jn 14:6); Being a Christian and a religious in our time.’ About 120 participants...

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A new President in Ukraine

A new President in Ukraine

The Council of Major Superiors of Female Institutes of Consecrated Life of the UGCC (Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church in Ukraine) has recently held elections and elected Sister Alphonsa Karapata MNI as President of the Council. We are at Sister Alphonsa's side for any...

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New President at KORUS in Slovenia

New President at KORUS in Slovenia

On Monday 6 May, the Slovenian Conference elected a new President at its AGM: Fr. Miran ŽVANUT sj. Fr. Miran replaces Fr. Marko KOŠNIK sdb, who recently attended our General Assembly in the Czech Republic.  

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Sr. Marjolein Bruinen attends the 2024 AGM of the German DOK

Sr. Marjolein Bruinen attends the 2024 AGM of the German DOK

Our Secretary General, Sr. Marjolein Bruinen, took part in the AGM of the German Conference DOK from 12 to 15 May 2024 in Vallendar. In addition to reports from the Board and the working groups, the annual accounts for 2023, a resolution on the increase in membership...

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VOS’USM: new person in charge

VOS’USM: new person in charge

At this year's General Assembly of the Union of Major Religious Superiors of Switzerland VOS|USM, held on 26 and 27 June 2023, it was not possible to secure a successor for Father Jean-Michel Girard. However, the outgoing President was available for preparing and...

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New leadership at the HRK in Croatia

New leadership at the HRK in Croatia

At the 55th election Assembly of the Croatian Conference of Religious HRK which was held on 11 and 12 October in Zagreb, the new leaders of the Conference have been installed. The new President is Sr. Lidija Bernardica Matijević ssfcr, Provincial Superior of the...

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New leadership at CIRP (P)

New leadership at CIRP (P)

On 27 and 28 April, the XXXVth General Assembly of CIRP was held in Fátima, where a new leadership team was elected. Fr. Adelino Ascenso smbn was chosen as the new President Sr. Ângela de Fátima Coelho sasm was elected Vice-President Their term of office will be three...

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USMI in Italy has a new Presidency

USMI in Italy has a new Presidency

During the 70th General Assembly of USMI from 12 to 14 April 2023, the elections for the mandates of President and Vice-President were held: Sr. Micaela Monetti pddm was elected President and Sr. Mabel Spagnuolo psmc Vice-President for a period of five years. Sr....

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Changes within URV from Belgium

Changes within URV from Belgium

Since 29 December 2022, the URV has a new leadership. At the last General Assembly of the URV in April 2022, the Board was completely renewed as the outgoing members had served two consecutive four-year terms. The new Board members elected Sr. Mieke Kerckhof zbj as...

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Elections to the ÖOK-Board

Elections to the ÖOK-Board

During the General Assembly of the Austrian Conference of Religious Orders (ÖOK) on 21 November 2022, the election of the Board took place in rotation. Archabbot Korbinian Birnbacher (Archabbey of St. Peter) was confirmed in his office as President. He is assisted by...

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The Polish KWPZM has a new president

The Polish KWPZM has a new president

On 17 October 2022, at the 149th Plenary Assembly of the KWPZM in Jasna Gora, Fr. Janusz Sok cssr, who had been the head of the Conference of Major Superiors of Poland for the past nine years, handed over his position as President to Fr. Dariusz Wilk csma.

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