+32 (2) 265.01.56 ucesm@ucesm.net
New President at KORUS in Slovenia

New President at KORUS in Slovenia

On Monday 6 May, the Slovenian Conference elected a new President at its AGM: Fr. Miran ŽVANUT sj. Fr. Miran replaces Fr. Marko KOŠNIK sdb, who recently attended our General Assembly in the Czech Republic.  
June-Assembly of UCESM_VAN (online)

June-Assembly of UCESM_VAN (online)

  On the afternoon of 10th June 2024, an Assembly of the UCESM Vocations Apostolate Network (UCESM_VAN) took place. A total of 29 people participated in this meeting, including a good number of “National Referents” of Vocations Ministry linked to 19...