+32 (2) 265.01.56 ucesm@ucesm.net
New leadership at the HRK in Croatia

New leadership at the HRK in Croatia

At the 55th election Assembly of the Croatian Conference of Religious HRK which was held on 11 and 12 October in Zagreb, the new leaders of the Conference have been installed. The new President is Sr. Lidija Bernardica Matijević ssfcr, Provincial Superior of the...
EVS: strengthening links in vocational pastoral care in Europe

EVS: strengthening links in vocational pastoral care in Europe

A meeting of the European Vocations Service (EVS), convened by the Council of Bishops’ Conferences of Europe (CCEE), was held in Rome from 28 September to 1 October 2023. The meeting brought together around 25 people, mostly ‘national vocations...